Domino Foods and American Diabetes Association: Raising Awareness about Diabetes

In the past, according to the ADA, people with diabetes were told to completely avoid sugar: Consuming sugar, experts believed, would raise blood glucose levels undesirably high. However, recent research has shown that while the type of carbohydrate can affect how quickly blood glucose levels rise, the total amount of carbohydrates consumed is more significant than the type. Experts now agree that small amounts of sugar can be substituted in meal plans for other carbohydrate-containing foods while keeping blood glucose levels on track.
“Substituting C&H® Light for sugar in banana muffins was very easy and straightforward—and the flavor was excellent,” says registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Lara Rondinelli-Hamilton. Together with chef Jennifer Bucko Lamplough, she develops the “foodie” and “quick” recipes for the ADA’s Recipes for Healthy Living.
In addition to our contributions to the ADA’s website, Domino Foods, Domino Sugar®, and C&H® Sugar also sponsor and participate in the American Diabetes Association EXPO in several cities. At a recent expo in Chicago attended by about 1,000 people, Rondinelli-Hamilton and Lamplough gave cooking demos and handed out diabetes-friendly recipes. (Learn more about ADA EXPOs in your own community here.)
As a further commitment to combating diabetes, Domino Foods also distributes materials to health-care professionals through the ADA’s Education Recognition Program and through the association’s Center for Information and Community Support.
Even if you aren’t living with diabetes, you and your family will have plenty of reasons to enjoy C&H® Light Sugar & Stevia Blend! To learn more, see our recent article about cooking and baking with C&H® Light.
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